You can find this by using the Preferences -> Browse Packages menu from within Sublime Text. Otherwise, you must first find your Sublime Text 2 packages directory.
Simply install the Dayle Rees Color Schemes package from the official repository. With the Sublime Text editor the themes can be installed using Package Control. Here are the guides for common editors and libraries. Installation of the colour schemes depends greatly upon the type of software that you intend to use them with. The mapping process varies upon the editor, and for that reason some editors are considered very WIP. They must be mapped once for each editor. Themes in this package are generated from a custom theme file. Instead of spamming this readme file with a thousand screenshots, I've created a page where you can preview all of the schemes in HTML.

Previews - HTML previews of all schemes.This package currently supports colour schemes for: For this reason, I'd like to share with you a number of themes for some popular text editors that will hopefully be pleasing to your eyes and allow you to enjoy the time you spend in front of the screen. Part of the Laravel mentality is that coding should be enjoyable for the developer and not just for the client receiving your hard work. Hi there! My name's Dayle Rees and I'm one of the Laravel PHP framework team.