If you want to connect to a cluster containing multiple hosts, you can either set tns manually or set host as a comma-separated array and configure other fields as you wish: DB_CONNECTION=oracle Then, you can set connection data in your. 'load_balance' => env( 'DB_LOAD_BALANCE', 'yes'), 'edition' => env( 'DB_EDITION', 'ora$base'), 'prefix_schema' => env( 'DB_SCHEMA_PREFIX', ''), 'service_name' => env( 'DB_SERVICENAME', ''), Note: For Laravel Lumen configuration, make sure you have a config/database.php file on your project and append the configuration below: 'oracle' => [ This will copy the configuration file to config/oracle.php. If config file is not publish, the package will automatically use what is declared on your. Open up config/app.php and find the providers key and add: Yajra\ Oci8\ Oci8ServiceProvider::class, Configuration (OPTIONAL)įinally you can optionally publish a configuration file by running the following Artisan command. Once Composer has installed or updated your packages you need to register Laravel-OCI8. Quick Installation composer require yajra/laravel-oci8:^8 Service Provider (Optional on Laravel 5.5+) All about oracle and php: The Underground PHP and Oracle Manual.You will find user friendly and updated documentation here: Laravel-OCI8 Docs.Laravel-OCI8 is an extension of Illuminate/Database that uses OCI8 extension to communicate with Oracle.
Laravel-OCI8 is an Oracle Database Driver package for Laravel.